Superhero Technology

You will find the latest information about our New Targeted Response.Online Website  here... Coming Soon... Targeted Response Online - A Global Resource for Targeted Individuals - TI's

Global Resources for Empowered Individuals

You will find the latest information about us on this page.

Our Global TI Community is rapidly expanding within this Spiritual battle due to the Satanic Forces covertly targeting innocent people and covertly putting them on Domestic Terrorist Watchlists now in almost every country throughout the entire world, this silent crime is constantly evolving and growing rapidly to a point, where it can no longer be hidden from the mainstream public anymore, with over 6 million people now being covertly targeted by their own governments, secret societies, organised crime and even rogue church groups.


We will endeavour to provide wide range of  information to eventually evolve into an unrivaled knowledge base for Empowered Individuals Globally.


Our mission is to provide best solution that helps everyone.  

Our Global Targeted Individual Community is constantly evolving and growing daily.

- We'll provide wide range of information and knowledge for Empowered Individuals.

We wish you a good day!


*new website COMING SOON... STAY TUNED website - Coming Soon

- Stay Tuned...

Shielding Solutions - Targeted Response.Online website Coming Soon - Stay tuned... new website Coming Soon

- Stay TUNED...


Changing The future For All Targeted Individuals Everywhere for the better -

As TI's - Targeted Individuals many of you will find yourselves being covertly targeted with new military grade technologies, we will endeavour to provide Targeted Individuals with the latest technological information and advance on these SpaceForce Warfare Technologies that torture many of us across the globe daily.


With every thing from Satellite and Drone Attacks to Active Denial & Acoustics Technologies, Remote Neural Monitoring and "Voice To Skull" - V2K or Voice of God Technologies that the US Military Forces used to great effect on "Their Enemy" in Operation Desert Storm in Iraq.

 "Remember Weapons of Mass Destruction... or was it Weapons of Mass Distraction?"


In coming weeks, when the new TargetedResponse.Online Website is finally fully functional, you will find the latest information about their Torture Technologies used on

Targeted Individuals (TI's) on a similar page.

We are just their Guinea Pigs & Lab Rats for now...


Our Mission is to provide Unity within the Worldwide TI Community and the best possible information and solutions that helps all TI's to provide awareness to the mainstream public in order to wake them from their mind-controlled slumber and expose these yet unprosecuted crimes to the wider global audience before these dangerously silent technologies are finally unleashed upon them in the coming dystopian nightmare dubbed, "The New World Order... "


We wish you a good day!




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